3 Keys To Healing Persistent Pain as a Highly Sensitive Person
Sunday, February 9, 2020 from 2:30pm to 3:45 (doors open at 2:15pm)
Free Talk at Castlegar Library (1005 3rd Street, Castlegar, V1N 2A2)
A free talk exploring how pain science and the mindbody connection can help you heal persistent (aka chronic) pain.
Join us to learn the missing links to both healing and being with chronic or persistent pain. Sharing both my personal experiences with pain, as well as the science behind why persistent pain develops in the first place, come learn how to deepen your healing with practical tools.
This talk is for you if you have:
- Back, neck, or joint pain after an accident that’s lasted longer than 3 months
- You have pain without a clear “physical” medical diagnosis and they can’t find what’s wrong on imaging or other testing (sometimes labeled as psychosomatic pain or somatoform)
- Are frustrated at not being able to bike, ski, run, or do what you used to love and know there must be more you can do
- Pain and you are a Highly Sensitive, empathic, and intuitive person
Persistent (previously known as chronic) pain doesn’t mean you have pain every minute of the day, 24 / 7 (though some people do experience pain all the time). Persistent pain can come on with a specific activity or movement, or can be seemingly random.
This kind of pain is not solved by 1 specific treatment, exercise, or pill.
This can be frustrating and can lead to feelings of being:
- Lost
- Lonely
- Like no one understands
You may feel like you don’t have a clear direction on how to improve your pain or that you’ve tried everything under the sun. (Trust me, I’ve been there). There is so much more knowledge and information about healing persistent pain out there than there ever used to be, so why not learn more about what you can do yourself?
While I will share a little about what I offer, which is Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, the main focus of this talk is to provide you with a better understanding of why you have pain, and what YOU can do right now to start shifting these patterns, especially as a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP). To read more on HSPs, head [right here] (
If you’re wanting to learn more about what the nervous system and brain has to do with pain, as well as why being a Highly Sensitive Person can impact your pain, I invite you to join us!
Sunday, February 9, 2020 from 2:30pm to 3:45 (doors open at 2:15pm)
Castlegar Library (1005 3rd Street, Castlegar, V1N 2A2)
This is a free community talk, please bring a notebook and pen!
To Register:
Pre-registration to save your seat right here [right here] (
I so look forward to offering you information, tools, and lessons learned from both my personal experiences with pain and the latest research.